

PhD art historian-museologist Thesis: The work of the artist Dimitri Perdikidis (1922-1989) and its reception in Spain and Greece  Dissertation: Art curatorship and contemporary museology: Museological planning and Design of an exhibition of 74 Edgar Dega´s sculptures at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art The aim of the dissertation is, taking into account elements from the […]

PhD art historian-museologist

Thesis: The work of the artist Dimitri Perdikidis (1922-1989) and its reception in Spain and Greece

 Dissertation: Art curatorship and contemporary museology: Museological planning and Design of an exhibition of 74 Edgar Dega´s sculptures at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

The aim of the dissertation is, taking into account elements from the contemporary museology, to articulate a proposition of re-exhibition of the temporary exhibition: The complete sculptures of Edgar Degas (which took place at the Herakleidon Museum in Athens, from 27-11-2009 to 14-08-2010), at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art (ΜΜSΤ) of Thessaloniki.

The dissertation is organised in three chapters: a first chapter concerning the role of the curator, a second chapter in which is analysed the exhibition (of the 74 bronze sculptures which are related to Degas) which is proposed for the MMST, a third chapter which summarizes the conversations with the museum educator Vasiliki Polyzouli, together with the conclusions and a bibliography.

The second chapter is organised in three parts: the scientific basis from which the museological planning is formed, the museological planning and the museological design.

In this way, the specific exhibition proposal, is also a case study which confirms that can be used principles of the contemporary museology in the art curatorship so to facilitate the interdisciplinarity and to improve the communication with the public within the museum context.