
A.U.Th. Sundays-A Children’s Toy Museum

On Sunday the 24th of May 2015, within the framework of the “Aristotle University Sunday Activities”,  the Interuniversity Postgraduate Program in Museology organized a gathering for the creation of a Children’s Toy Museum at the Children’s Asylum for the whole town. We were visited by the vice-rectors of the Aristotle University and by many interested […]


On Sunday the 24th of May 2015, within the framework of the “Aristotle University Sunday Activities”, 

the Interuniversity Postgraduate Program in Museology organized a gathering for the creation of
a Children’s Toy Museum at the Children’s Asylum for the whole town. We were visited by the vice-rectors
of the Aristotle University and by many interested students, parents and children. Our visitors each brought their
own toy, told us its story and watched our museology postgrads catalogue, classify and describe each toy.
The whole event was a small but significant contribution to the work of the Children’s Asylum,
an exercise for our students and finally also an offering of love and solidarity by all
participants. The toys that were brought in will be the basis of the collection of the future museum
for children, and the toys’ stories will be the stories that the museum will keep and narrate
to its future visitors young and old. The University, the visitors and our Program cooperated creatively for the
Children’s Asylum, a renowned registered charity in our city, to acquire its first objects towards
a toy collection and a museum that it has long been dreaming of.